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교원 정보(학위 및 업적)

교원 상세

콜렛 폴



연구자 정보


영어 교육, 외국어 학습 방략, 자기 조정 학습 동기, 연구 방법


영어 I a c
영어II a・b・c・d
영어실습 c·d·f


1986년 :캔터베리 대학 (크라이스트처치 시, 뉴질랜드) 심리학부 심리학 전공 졸업
1989년: 동 대학 대학원 이학 연구과 석사 과정 수료

취득 학위


소속 학회

The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT; 전국어학교육학회)

연구 키워드

현재의 연구 테마

연구 방법
언어학습 심리학

주된 연구실적·활동

・Collett, P., & Daniels, P. (2008). Demonstrating online applications-offline. The Language Teacher, 32(8), pp 34-36.
・Stapleton, P., & Collett, P. (2008). PAC7 at JALT2008: Untangling the submission process. The Language Teacher, 32(9), pp 28-29.
・Collett, P., & Sullivan, K. (2008). Investigating learners' use of and attitudes towards an online vocabulary quiz for the study of academic vocabulary. Shimonoseki City University Review, 52, Nos. 1-2, pp 75-92.
・Collett, P., & Swanson, M. R. (2009). Implementing student management systems. In A. M. Stoke (Ed.), JALT2008 Conference Proceedings, pp 831-848. JALT.
・Stapleton, P., & Collett, P. (2010). JALT Journal Turns 30: A Retrospective Look at the First Three Decades. JALT Journal, 32(1), pp 75-90.
・Collett, P. (2010). A case for the Drupal Content Management System. JALT CALL Journal 6(1), pp 57-66.
・Collett, P., & Sullivan, K. (2010). Considering the use of can do statements to develop learners' self-regulative and metacognitive strategies. In M. Schmidt, N. Naganuma, F. O'Dwyer, A. Imig, & K. Sakai (Eds), Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond. (pp 167-183). Asahi Press.
・Collett, P. (2011). Using goals to facilitate self-regulated learning. In A. Stewart (Ed.), JALT2010 Conference Proceedings, pp 724-734. Tokyo: JALT.
・Collett, P. (2012). A study progress guide to promote learner development. In A. Stewart & N. Sonda (Eds.), JALT 2011 Conference Proceedings, pp 24-33. JALT.
・Collett, P., and Sullivan, K. (2013). Social discourses as moderators of self-regulation. In N. Sonda & A. Krause (Eds.), JALT2012 Conference Proceedings. pp 255-265. JALT.
・Collett, P. (2014). Researching self-regulated learning and foreign language learning. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 5(4), pp 430-P442.
・Collett, P. & Swanson, M. (2016). Researching EFL learner reading speed gains. 세이난여학원대학기요, 20, pp 99-P116.
・Collett, P. (2017). Moving towards better quantitative data analysis in FLL research. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H. Brown (Eds.). Transformation in Language Education, pp 111-121. JALT.
・Collett, P. (2018). A comparison of two online systems for extensive reading. Journal of Extensive Reading, 6, pp 30-52.
・Collett, P. (2020). Focus on learning strategies: Is it effective? In A. P. Clavel & K. Thornton (Eds.). Whose Autonomy? Voice and Agency in Language Learning. Independent Learning Association.
・Collett, P. & Berg, M. (2020). Validating the Language Mindsets Inventory. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & R. Gentry (Eds.). Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency, pp 179-190. JALT.
・Collett, P. (2021) Graphical data analysis. In P. Clements, R. Derrah, & P. Ferguson (Eds.). Communities Of Teachers & Learners, pp 1-11. JALT.
・Collett, P. (2022). An online application for exploratory and explanatory data analysis. In P. Ferguson, & R. Derrah (Eds.), Reflections and New Perspectives, pp 224-234. JALT.


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